Thursday, February 17, 2011

East End Gallery Hunt

The Approach Gallery: this gallery was very small and I wasn't too attracted to Gary Web's work. The Miami Poo Pipe was pretty cool and had a surrealistic influence. The resin material was interesting as well.
IBID Projects: this gallery was peculiar. It was an old dilapidated building with no gallery attendants or assistants (which I really enjoyed) and the work was kind of meshed in with the decay. The space was kind of creepy. I wasn't particularly fond of the work, I didn't really understand it.
White Cube: Rachel Kneebone's work was awesome. I really enjoyed her porcelain sculptures. They were quite phallic and sexual but so intricate and beautiful. It was interesting to see the drawings of her sculptures. Also, I thought the pieces that were hung on the wall were more successful than those on the pedestals. I wonder what they would look they if she utilized color in her work.
Parasol Unit: Nathan Cash Davidson was born in 1988, meaning he is the same age as me, which is pretty inspiring and gives me much hope that my work can be exhibited too. His paintings seemed somewhat elementary at first, but as I walked through the second room his styled seems to change drastically. The piece, I told you a thousand times they go around in white sheets and carry chains, was particularly eye catching because of the dramatic lighting.
Victoria Miro: this space was truly beautiful. There were huge windows, ceiling to floor. Tom Lubbock collage work was interesting..he has just died so as a tribute to him the gallery reopened his show.
Francesca Woodman's work was so inspiring to me. I'm glad I was able to see this exhibition. Her work made me want to work with film again. All her photographs are extremely well printed and composed. She deals with time, space, the body and personal environment. The natural lighting is stunning and impressive. This show was on the top floor of the gallery and the space was wonderful, like an old warehouse but still that pristine feeling of a gallery.

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